Tue Jun 07, 2005 11:16 am

I have a strap-handle thing I got at my local homebrew store, but it doesn't have as many lower straps on it. That one looks much more secure. The one I have works, it just never gets really tight on the carboy.
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carboy straps

Tue Jun 07, 2005 1:21 pm

Lufah, that stap rocks. I think The Brewing Network needs one (hint..). I haven't dropped one yet, but I've come close many times.

Although, I like the break one, get a conilcal from your woman idea. hmm?

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Fri Jun 10, 2005 5:33 pm

After I broke my first caboy, no injury thank god, i picked up some carboy bags from morebeer, keep the light out and keep things safe.

Sat Jun 11, 2005 10:05 pm

I have a great idea. Quit using carboys. A plastic bucket will never break and slice you in two, and has a convient built in handle! If for no other reason than safety, a bucket is a better fermenter.
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Sun Jun 12, 2005 3:41 am

Hateku wrote:I have a great idea. Quit using carboys. A plastic bucket will never break and slice you in two, and has a convient built in handle! If for no other reason than safety, a bucket is a better fermenter.

I agree with this for short term stuff. I do all my ales in plastic. I'm just not sure about the O2 issues with plastic. Anything that is going to age over a month goes into glass. Mainly meads and braggots.

Anybody try using plastic to age a mead for a year? If so I'd love to hear about it.

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Sun Jun 12, 2005 5:05 am

I had to get stitches on my thumb about a year ago when I was emptying a caboy of sanitation solution and dropped it. Almost sliced the tendon between the thumb and index finger. That beer became known as ER IPA and was one of the best I have made. Decided to get a 14 gallon plastic fermenter from E.C. Kraus (sp?) for primary but still do secondary in carboys.
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Sun Jun 12, 2005 5:58 am

I think if you were doing something that was going to spend a year in the fermenter, then you woul have to go glass. I'm way to impatient for that! I know that Better Bottle http://www.better-bottle.com/ claims that their carboys are virtually impermeable to oxygen. I would be interested in the seeing how it would stack up against a glass carboy for a year. I do believe they can get a little pricey, looks like a little over $20 for the 5 gallon.
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