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The Brewing Network Weekly

Week of Dec. 5th - Dec. 11th

(yeah, our week starts Monday and ends Sunday)

Cover art of Charlie's new book, just released Wednesday.

Dear TBN'ers

Hey! Remember us? Things have been happening so quickly around TheBN Studios that we haven't even had the chance to get a newsletter off to ya. Think of it as a vacation from our incessant nagging...but we're back! And we want to make sure you know about this week's show as it is not to be missed.

The Godfather of Homebrewing (or The Brewfather as we like to call him), Charlie Papazian, will be on the phone with us during this week's show!!! The man who brought you The Complete Joy of Homebrewing now has a new book out that we'll discuss, plus we'll talk about how homebrew has changed over the past 30 years, why the AHA is good for homebrewers, and we'll even be tasting some of Charlie's own homebrew!

As if that's not enough, The Brewcasters will also be revealing some more surprises we've got up our sleeve for 2006. You won't be disappointed!

As usual, the fun starts at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time, Sunday (Monday, 0100 UTC.) Also, The Blues and Brews Show airs at 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time, Sunday (Sunday, 1900 UTC.) And of course, it's all live, commercial free, funny and informative.

If you have any pre-questions to ask of the Brewcasters or guest, send them to justin@thebrewingnetwork.com or post them under the Beer Radio topic in the forum. Then tune in this Sunday as we answer them on the air. Or even better, join the chatroom during the show and ask live.


The Brewcasters (Justin, Jon, and Dr. Scott...oh, and Daniela too!)